Monday, October 26, 2015

What would you do?

OK, I'm pretty sure you all saw my headline, wondering what I mean? Well, I know it's just a story, however, I've just finished listening to Last Light by Terri Blackstock. It's the first in a series and after listening to it while waiting on number two, it really makes one think, what would you or I do if that were us in that situation? Would we stick together as a family and a community and share what we have to keep us all fed and alive, or would we hoard what we have and kill for more?

I pray that that never happens to us, however, the way our nation is going, it could happen sooner rather than later. I pray that people would work together in that situation and any other situation we are in. We need that more than anything.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

American sniper

OK, I've just finished listening to American sniper the autobiography of Chris Kyle. It's not exactly what I was expecting from him, although, I'm not sure what I was expecting. My opinion of it was that it was very good, detailed versus the movie. He didn't go over his last days or moments before he died. In his widow's book, American wife by Taya Kyle, she was really detailed and descriptive, from her view and standpoint of their life and of his last days and moments.

Chris's book did go a bit more on detail on what he was really like when going into the service and attempting to become a sniper. How many courses he took to get to the point of beginning his sniper life.

Of course, we all know, that books almost always tell more than the movies. I do recommend reading this if you've ever seen the movie American sniper or if you have plans to watch it. Then I would recommend reading American wife by Taya Kyle.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

More than one book

Well, I haven't blogged in awhile, and I'm sorry. The only reason I haven't blogged in awhile, is due to life getting in the way.

I have recently finished reading (listening to) two different books. The first of which was American wife by Taya Kyle, the wife of now deceased Chris Kyle, the sniper movie American sniper is based on.

As I started to listen to it I kept thinking, I'm not gonna like this book, why am I even wasting my time listening when I'm not even into these kinds of books? But I got myself past the first chapter and thought totally different. As good as her book was, I couldn't put it down, nor stop listening. For anybody who has watched the movie American sniper since it's been out, you may understand a bit when I say to hear his story from his wife's/widow's eyes and point of view is amazing. I totally recommend the read/listen. I don't wanna give to much away, except this, you'll want to have tissues handy.

The other book I've just finished listening to was 90 minutes in heaven by Don Piper. For anybody that knows, he is the gentleman that back in 1989, he was hit and immediately killed on a bridge in Texas. But only for 90 minutes did he die, upon the adamance of a close friend, who was adamant about praying "for the dead", went against all police and emergency medical personal, and went in and prayed for him and started singing and praising God, and that was when Don came back from heaven and started singing. Go figure, a dead man singing? The police and ems didn't believe the pastor either, but after checking his pulse, they found: He was Alive. But then, he went through years of agony and pain and lessons that he learned from and started helping others in his predicament. They've dubbed him, The pastor of hope. But he's not just a pastor of hope, he's a walking testimony.

This is another read I will highly recommend. The other book I've just started listening to is Don Piper's heaven is real, which I'll give a review to when I'm done. Enjoy and have a great night everyone.