Thursday, November 26, 2015

War room

War room,I just finished reading the book. I haven't seen the movie, yet, but we all know, the book almost always tells more than the movies.

War room is made from the same two brothers that courageous and fireproof came from. I figured it would be good, but when i started reading the book, that first chapter, introducing the main family in the book, I wasn't sure if I was really going to be able to stay reading it. However, once I got to the second chapter and beyond, I understood that intro to the family. If anybody has ever seen or heard Ms. Priscilla shirer, she is amazingly awesome and to know she is the main character in the war room, I was completely hooked.

As I continued to read, and tried to imagine Elizabeth/Priscilla as having marital issues, nonetheless, her having not as good of a prayer life as her recently acquired friend, client and prayer mentor, I was astonished. As I read about every meet between Elizabeth and Clara, and everything Elizabeth was learning from Clara on how to get deeper into her prayer life and to truly leave everything in God's hands, so she could be less stressed with life in general, she would be less likely to keep arguments going between her and Tony, her husband.

Elizabeth starts to follow Clara's teachings for a better prayer life and a better relationship between her and her daughter and her husband, and praise the Lord, her daughter starts to follow her mother in a better prayer life, and as they both start diligently praying for Tony, his job and his then new job and the people he routinely comes in contact with.

The way things started going between Elizabeth and Tony, thanks to Clara and of course, the almighty Jesus Christ, made me want to make my own war room and to start doing what Elizabeth was doing for her family.

What would happen if we all started doing that for our families, whether we all were Christians or not? By that, I meant we may be Christians, but some of our family and friends may not be. So, instead of hating and holding grudges towards ones who may have hurt us or done us wrong, maybe we should just start praying diligently for them, it'll definitely drastically change our outlook on things in life.

I highly recommend reading the book, war room before seeing the movie.